Private Bullfight Tour Madrid.
Private Bullfight Tour Madrid. You can find everything in Madrid – and that includes bullfighting. Despite most people’s impression of bullfighting as being unique to the whitewashed villages of Andalusia and south, Madrid is a great place to see bulls and a bullfight in Madrid. And with us, you have the chance to discover this basic piece of Spanish culture. And admire the icon of Spain, the brave bull.
Not a tour, live an experience
We show you from inside, with professionals, living a unique experience between bulls. This is not a typical tourist tour. You will be a bullbreeder for a day.
This is nos the typical visit of a bullring, This is an experience that you can get all your lifetime.
This is a private VIP bullfighting tour Madrid, in a brave bull ranch. To learn and discover the backstage of bullfighting. By the hand of the owner we can discover every detail, and every secret of brave bull.
We create a customize package to fit you. You can come with us to see bulls, train with a matador, eat a homemade paella in a brave bull ranch, watch a bloodless bullfighting, face a baby bull, or see a bull leapers shows, ride a horse…
Know how the bulls are breeding.
Learn how the brave bull is breeding. Know the brave bull in his natural habitat, and see bullfight bull as close as posible.
Feel like a bullfighter
Live a unique experience in a real bullring, touch the bullfighter tools. Feel like a bullfighter. Know it from inside, see his lights and his shadows, and make you own opinion about it.
Take a look our tour.
Is Bullfighting Popular in Madrid?
Yes. Spain regions, Madrid and Andalusia are the dual epicenters of bullfighting in Spain.
Madrid Bullfighting Festivals
In addition to the weekly bullfights, there are six weeks of almost daily bullfights around the San Isidro festival and adjacent festivals (from the start of May until mid-June) and for the Feria de Otoño (four days around the start of October). See below for exact dates. Only us can show you a real bullfight ranch in Madrid.
Madrid Eco Tour
This an Eco Tour, very respectfull with nature and the animal.
Brave bull lives in extend areas, That areas are “dehesa”, and are really important for wildlife. Others animals like eaguels, fox, wild pigs, rabits, birds lives between brave bulls.
See a Bullfighting show.
See a bullfight show at live. Watch bulls as close as posible. An amazing experience to see bulls in action. Contact us at campotoro.es@gmail.com.