Category: Bull Experiences

Madrid Bullfight Experience

Madrid Bullfight experience. We had a great day with our friends from Ireland, Britain, Turkey and Hungary. Tony was prepared a great stag to his dear brother,and he trust in us. They were very excited to bullfighting and the oportunity to be a bullfighter for a day . We started playing several games, but the main dish were the bulls. A little talk to start and they feel very confortable with the heifers. It was a very hot day but we enjoyed it a lot.

Our team was always taking after of the group to have a great Madrid Bullfight Experience. You only have to follow our bull running advices. 

Almost everybody tried to run the baby bulls, with our advices. Feel the pasion, adrenaline and have fun with your friends and enjoy a day outdoor.

But the day is not all bulls, we have inflatables to have fun, a great barbecue and open  bar of beer & sangria. Come with us to live an incredible experience.

Madrid Bullfight Experience

Madrid Bullfight experience

Things to do in Madrid : Visiting a brave bull ranch

Things to do in Madrid

Things to do in Madrid. Are you searching things to do in Madrid ?. We offer a private tour to visit a bullfight bull ranch. Know and discover the bullfighting world, dive into this piece of Spanish culture and draw your own conclusions. Come to an exclusive ranch Showed by the head shepherd, of an old tradition livestock ranch.

Anna and his son trusted in us to discover the bullfighting bull. 

things to do in Madrid

After visiting the bullring, the saloon, the bullpen, and other installations we went on a Jeep, to see as close as possible the bulls. An unforgettable memory to a bit of spanish tradition. It was a sunny day then we took a cold drink and some appetiziers to end a perfect morning.

A familiar plan to discover the bullfighting, learn a bit of spanish culture, see this amazing animal at freedom, and have a great day. No one animal is gone to be hurt in the tour. Discover the respect, the cares, the affection in the bull breeding.

The bull breeding has a deep impact in the Spanish ecosystem. Many animals live between bulls, foxes,  rabits, falcons, eagles and others protected birds. Walk around bulls, live a different experience.

Discover the colors. The choreography. The ritual. The tradition. The whole wild spectacle around this wonderfull animal, THE BULL.

Madrid Bullfight Party

Madrid Bullfight Party.

EN– Our English friends trusted in us to show them the bullfight world. We started at the morning visiting the oxes outdoor. Our first stop was to feed them, and see how big are them. Our second stop was to see the powerfull bulls running. It is an amazing image. The cowboys were riding horses, to manage the livestock.

ES- Nuestros amigos ingleses confiaron en nosotros para mostrarles el mundo taurino. Comenzamos en la mañana visitando los bueyes al aire libre. Nuestra primera parada fue para alimentarlos, y ver lo grande que son. Nuestra segunda parada fue ver los poderosos toros corriendo. Es una imagen asombrosa. Los vaqueros montaban caballos, para manejar el ganado.

EN– But the best was waiting us, at the afternoon we ran the baby bulls. A real Madrid bullfight party. Everybody were in the bullring, and some of them were really courageous. We played some games also, and having fun every second. We met great people and we hope they got great memories of this day.

ES- Pero lo mejor estaba esperándonos, por la tarde corríamos los toros. Todos estaban en la plaza de toros, y algunos de ellos eran realmente valientes. También jugamos algunos juegos y nos divertimos cada segundo. Conocimos a gente estupenda y esperamos que tengan grandes recuerdos de este día.

Capea en Madrid

ES- Capea en Madrid. Ven a disfrutar de un día de campo con tus amigos. Celebra tu cumpleaños, despedida, evento con nosotros.

Maxime y sus amigos vinieron desde muy lejos para disfrutar de una experiencia unica, conociendo la cría del toro y viviendo la adrenalina de estar en el ruedo con una vaquilla.

Nosotros te enseñamos y te ayudamos a vivir la mejor capea sin incidentes. Somos expertos con los toros y te aseguramos una experiencia única.

EN– Capea in Madrid. Come and enjoy a day outdoor with your friends. Celebrate your birthday, stag , or another event with us.

Maxime and his friends came from far away to enjoy a unique experience, knowing the breeding of the bull and living the adrenaline of being in the arena with a heifer.

We teach you and we help you to live the best capea without incident. We are real experts with the bulls and we assure you a unique experience.

Capeas Madrid

The best Madrid Capea

Capea en Madrid
Madrid Capea
Capea Madrid
Capea en Madrid

Organization of capeas with heifers in Madrid. Enjoy a party , near Madrid. But go with real experts.

Madrid Bachelor Party

Red Power Ranger become bullfighter

El power-ranger rojo Torero.

Madrid Bachelor Party

EN- Our italian friends trusted in us to live the bull experience. They celebrate their Madrid bachelor party with us.

It was a sunny day, but the open bar has always cold beer for everybody.  At first, they seemed very nervous at first but on the other hand they known very good how to do it. But a little time after, they were very brave, althought they got some scratches. They try to bullfighting and run with the heifers. Everybody could feel the adrenaline, and the feeling of being in front of a bull.
We teach them how to do it to be safe. And everybody learnt how the bull is breded.
It was a cool and fun day. They were awesome people. We lived a great capea in Madrid.

ES- Nuestros amigos italianos confiaron en nosotros para vivir la experiencia del toro. Ellos celebran su despedida de soltero de Madrid con nosotros. Era un día soleado, pero el bar abierto siempre tiene cerveza fría para todo el mundo. Parecían muy nerviosos al principio, pero por otro lado sabían muy bien cómo hacerlo. Fueron muy valientes, aunque algunos rasguños. Ellos tratan de las corridas de toros y correr con las novillas. Todo el mundo podía sentir la adrenalina, y la sensación de estar delante de un toro. Les enseñamos cómo hacerlo para estar seguros. Y todo el mundo aprendió cómo se cría el toro. Fue un día fresco y divertido. Eran personas increíbles. Vivimos una capea memorable.

Do you want to live a great capea, come with us!!



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