Things to do in Madrid
Things to do in Madrid. Are you searching things to do in Madrid ?. We offer a private tour to visit a bullfight bull ranch. Know and discover the bullfighting world, dive into this piece of Spanish culture and draw your own conclusions. Come to an exclusive ranch Showed by the head shepherd, of an old tradition livestock ranch.
Anna and his son trusted in us to discover the bullfighting bull.

After visiting the bullring, the saloon, the bullpen, and other installations we went on a Jeep, to see as close as possible the bulls. An unforgettable memory to a bit of spanish tradition. It was a sunny day then we took a cold drink and some appetiziers to end a perfect morning.
A familiar plan to discover the bullfighting, learn a bit of spanish culture, see this amazing animal at freedom, and have a great day. No one animal is gone to be hurt in the tour. Discover the respect, the cares, the affection in the bull breeding.
The bull breeding has a deep impact in the Spanish ecosystem. Many animals live between bulls, foxes, rabits, falcons, eagles and others protected birds. Walk around bulls, live a different experience.
Discover the colors. The choreography. The ritual. The tradition. The whole wild spectacle around this wonderfull animal, THE BULL.

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