Games Stag Party Madrid.
EN – Games Stag Party Madrid. We receive our friends from London. We start a suny day with games. Playing gymkhana, throw the domino pieces, race relay, human football, Karts and Doing Sports. But the best it was waiting for us…. the bulls!!
ES – Recibimos a nuestros amigos de Londres. Empezamos un día soleado con juegos. Jugamos gynkana, lanzar las piezas de dominó, carrera de relevos, fútbol humano, Karts y algo de deporte. Pero lo mejor que nos estaba esperando … los toros !!
We play football, it has been fair play. Bull run was the perfect ending. We enjoyed run with bulls. They were a bit angry but we survive… it was a day full of jokes, games and good ambient. And we charged our bateries with a tasty barbecue.