Category: Experiences

Here we are going to put our client experiences

Stag Fiesta: Tapas, Beers, and Bull Running in Madrid!

Embark on the ultimate Stag Fiesta in Madrid, where tapas, beers, and the thrilling spectacle of Bull Running collide! Dive into the heart of Spanish tradition with our exclusive Baby Bull Running package. Experience the adrenaline, relish authentic tapas, savor local brews, and create unforgettable memories with your friends.

Welcome to the ultimate stag fiesta at our Bull Ranch.

Nestled in the heart of nature’s beauty! Prepare for an exhilarating day filled with excitement, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Join us as we celebrate your stag party in style, with an open bar, bull visits, thrilling games, a homemade lunch, and the main highlight: baby bull running!.

Stag activities Madrid

At our Bull Ranch stag fiesta, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the thrill of nature as you roam our picturesque grounds. Take in the breathtaking views and feel the adrenaline surge as you encounter our majestic bulls in their natural habitat.

But the excitement doesn’t end there – it’s time to kick the stag fiesta into high gear! Head over to our open bar area and indulge in a wide array of drinks and beers all served with a generous dose of hospitality and fun.

After quenching your thirst, get ready for some friendly competition with a variety of stag fiesta games and activities. From bull-themed challenges to classic party games, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and keep the energy levels soaring.

Stag Fiesta!

Stag Fiesta is a must in Madrid

And of course, no stag fiesta would be complete without a delicious homemade lunch to fuel your adventures. Savor the flavors of our traditional Spanish dishes, crafted with love and care using locally sourced ingredients.

But the highlight of the day awaits – baby bull running! Gear up for an adrenaline-pumping experience as you test your agility and speed in a thrilling chase with our playful baby bulls. It’s a stag fiesta activity you won’t soon forget!

So gather your friends and embark on the stag fiesta adventure of a lifetime at our Bull Ranch. Book your experience now and let the festivities begin!

Don’t miss out on the chance to make your stag party truly unforgettable – join us for the ultimate Bull Ranch stag celebration!

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Madrid bull experience

Welcome to our special gallery, where new friends like Vincent and his buddies can dive into the excitement of baby bull running and the joy of sharing a delicious paella meal! Here, we make your first bull experience unforgettable, offering guidance and fun.

Picture this: Vincent and his friends, wide-eyed with anticipation, witness the thrilling baby bull running. They learn about the rich tradition and courage behind this event with our assistance, sparking their excitement. After the adventure, they gather around a table, enjoying the mouthwatering aroma of paella, a delightful Spanish dish. Our friendly staff ensures they savor every bite, creating lasting memories of shared meals and laughter.

But that’s not all! The experience also introduces them to the brave bulls in their natural habitat. Through interactive exhibits, they gain a newfound appreciation for these majestic creatures. Finally, we guide them in the playful art of running with the bulls, providing a safe and enjoyable experience.

Join us in this unique journey of discovery, where Vincent and his friends make unforgettable memories, experience new traditions, and enjoy the essence of friendship, all with our warm assistance.

Fun and crazy stag do in Madrid

Do you want to live the best and unique Spanish experience?

Baby bull running is the best thing to do for stags do in Madrid. You will have open bar,  barbecue, beers at outdoors, games, and adrenaline.  Its a great mix of culture, sun and spanish great ambient.

Come with us to discover how to be a bullfighter for a day. We will teach you how to face a bull and help you to enjoy the activity.  Mail us at

Come and live our Fun and crazy stag do in Madrid.

Looking for a fun and crazy stag do in Madrid that promises a unique experience? Look no further than the heart-pounding thrill of baby bull running! Imagine this: you and your mates, decked out in traditional white attire, standing in the midst of a historic brave bull ranch, ready to take on the exhilarating challenge.

As the gates open, adrenaline courses through your veins as you dash alongside playful baby bulls, each moment filled with excitement and laughter. It’s a blend of tradition, adventure, and pure joy, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

This isn’t just any stag do activity—it’s a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that bonds friends, creates unforgettable memories, and unleashes your inner daredevil. So, gather your crew, prepare for the thrill ride of a lifetime, and make your Madrid stag do an epic tale to remember!

You will enjoy it with our advices.

Come and live Stag do with bulls in Madrid

We had a great day with Charlie and friends, doing baby bull running in Madrid.

Visiting Brave Bull Ranch Madrid

Brave bull ranch Madrid, a unique experience to know the brave bull. Come and discover the real life of a brave bull. Miths, nature, pasion, culture and tradition. The king of the Spanish culture.

Our visit consists of an authentic country day, visiting both our farm and our bull ranch. We make the personalized visit, according to the number of people and following your interests and depending on the time of the year. The purpose of our visit to the Livestock of Bulls Braves, is to show the breeding and feeding of animals, and to see our farm and facilities. Depending on the time of the year, and when these animals are on the farm, they can also enjoy watching horses, donkeys, calves with their mothers …

What to bring to the visit of the brave bull ranch?

  • Comfortable clothes, appropriate to the weather conditions.
  • Warm clothes if necessary.
  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Gloves and hat of your choice.
  • Canteen or bottle for water.
  • Sun protection.

What time is better to visit a brave bull ranch?

We have activities all year, but the country are more green in winter and spring. You could see baby bull breasting with his mothers.

How much time do you need to visiting a brave bull ranch?

You will need mid day. You can do it in the mooring or in the afternoon and if you want to include any other activity, you can spend all day with us. We make home made meals for our guests.  The ranch is about 30 min far from Madrid.


CampoToro Brave bull ranch Madrid

We have the best comodities in Madrid to show you the brave bull.

How much does it cost?

We make a tailored package for each group, and it depends on your group and what activities do you want to do it.  Contact us at to send you a quotation.

Madrid Recortadores a good alternative to Bullfighting.

Madrid Recortadores, A Bloodless Spectacle in Madrid.

In the heart of Madrid, where the passion for bullfighting runs deep, a unique and thrilling spectacle offers a different perspective on this age-old tradition. Known as “recortadores,” this bloodless form of bullfighting is gaining popularity and changing perceptions about the relationship between humans and bulls in the arena.

bloodless bullfighting

Madrid Recortadores.  When Bullpen is open, the beast is in the arena and the pasion and adreline flows inside of Recortadores. A bloodless show where people do his best performance facing the bull to get a position in the big final. As a result is getting popular againt the traditional Madrid bullfighting. A man leaping a bull is always amazing.

What is a Madrid recotadores show?

Recortadores are a form of bullfighting that emphasizes skill, agility, and daring rather than the traditional combat and killing of the bull. Originating in Spain, this spectacle involves participants—referred to as “recortadores”—performing acrobatic maneuvers and daring dodges to evade the charging bull. Unlike the matadors in traditional bullfights, recortadores do not use capes or swords. Instead, they rely on their quick reflexes and physical prowess to avoid the bull’s horns.

The Madrid recortadores contest is a bullfighting show where participants face several bulls or heifers, in turns, and make all kinds of tricks, jumps and bankruptcies on the animal, in order to participate in the bull at the last moment and risk the maximum to take the trophy.

Recortadores Madrid

There is a judge to evaluate each member. Its a fine art, they have to do it with art, risk and emotions. Its is not a sport it is a pasion. 

However, a good bullfighting alternative can be the activity of the so-called trimmers, bullfighters who only with their body (or simple gadgets such as capes or sticks like poles) perform skillful pirouettes before the onslaught of bulls or heifers (calling the bull of front, going out to meet him and cut the trip face and going backwards); jumps over (the angel, feet together, the rifle or the mortal), or lateral bankruptcies (wait for the arrival of the bull and deceive him with a waist movement, still waiting for his onslaught or the race going out to meet him), being the best cut is that the bullfighter remains more stopped after passing the bull.

How old is it?

A type of bullfighting of centuries-old tradition in Spain (the first bullfighting in popular festivities in streets or bullfights), there are also competitions to name the best trimmers (in value, fitness and sportsmanship).

While bull recortadores may seem like a modern innovation, the tradition dates back centuries. Historical records suggest that similar events were held in the 18th and 19th centuries, where young men would demonstrate their bravery and agility by confronting bulls without the intent to kill. The modern revival of this tradition can be seen as a response to growing concerns about animal welfare and the ethical considerations surrounding traditional bullfighting.

Bullfight Madrid demonstration
Recortadores Demonstaration

In Madrid, the recortadores events are typically held in the same iconic arenas that host conventional bullfights, such as the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas. These events attract large crowds, eager to witness the breathtaking stunts and the intense interplay between man and beast.

Where can you see Madrid Recortadores?

To get the full experience, visit our fighting bull ranch. We offer the chance to see recortadores in action up close. You can witness the training and dedication that goes into each performance. CampoToro provide a deeper understanding of this unique Spanish tradition.

If you are in Madrid, do not miss a recortadores show. It is an exciting and humane alternative to traditional bullfighting. For an even richer experience, visit a brave bull ranch. See the beauty and bravery of both the bulls and the recortadores in their natural setting.

Enjoy the thrill, admire the skill, and appreciate the respect for animals. A visit to our brave bull ranch will give you memories to last a lifetime.

Madrid Bull experiences

In conclusion, If you come with us, you will have the chance to live a real bull experience. You can always add to your experience:

  • Horse farm experience, visit a horse farm and learn about the horses.

But we will give you our best advices and trainning to do it. This is really an unique experience, that you have to do it with real experts, in a great ranch, in the north of Madrid. 

We have shows of Madrid recortadores all year with Spanish champions of Recortes. Its one of the best Madrid bullfighting experiences. We can offer you more experiences like:

Mail us to and ask about our bull experiences.

Madrid stag do ideas: Baby bull running Madrid

Madrid stag do ideas.

Madrid stag do ideas. If you want a exclusive and unique experience, come with us!.

If you want a fun and original plan, this is your place. Take the opportunity to live the unique experience that Spain gives you to be a bullfighter for a day. Guaranteed fun!

We have everything to have a fantastic day.

Madrid baby bull running is like no other event and the most successful stag activity in the capital. The group will have the opportunity to to go face to face with the horns of a bull and feel a rush of adrenaline that can only be described when in that moment! Unlike a real bullfight, this event is a piece of cake (at least that’s your upsell tactic to get the group involved!) and there is no harm to the animals or the members entering the capea. You will be supervised by experienced bull runners (proffesionals) who will show you the ropes (Or cape in this instance) and teach you how to control the bull and brief you on the next steps. 

Then, this is one of the best Madrid stag do ideas.

See our youTube channel, No others can do it. We are the best. See our TripAdvisor reviews.

Stag Party Madrid bullfight
Madrid stag do ideas

Our clients, our best reference.


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Greg Stag party – Experience 24/9/2016

Greg Stag party, baby bull running.

Enjoy baby bull running with us!

EN- Greg friends trusted us to celebrate his stag party. They wanted a real experience, a typical “capea”. We are really good prepared to show you how to bullfighting the bull, in a safe way for everybody.

ES- Los amigos de Greg confiaron en nosotros para celebrar su fiesta de despedida de soltero. Querían una experiencia real, una típica “capea”. Estamos realmente bien preparados para mostrarle la experiencia, de una manera segura para todos.

stag bull partyMadrid baby bull runningMadrid Stag partystag party

We receive our friends from London. It was a great day!. They had fun with us and our baby bulls!!. It was a sunny day with great spanish meal, and everybody lived the bull experience.

Let us to dive into Spanish culture! Visit us at

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